Are You Readying Yourself?

I was thinking the other day about us (target parents), and about our children, for whom most of us would pledge both arms to have home again.
Then it occurred to me.. "but I wonder how many parents feel ready to have them home?" ... "and I wonder how many of those parents have taken the steps necessary?" ... "or even know the steps to take?"
Because, let me tell you: 3-4 years ago, I sure as heck wouldn't have known what to do. I mean, it's one thing when it's written in a court document, or being thrown at you in condescending SMS msgs, but it's a whole different thing -- and so much more helpful -- when you hear it from another parent who's been down the very road you're on.
Plus, I know for me, the holidays have historically been a time to hide. This way, you have a framework to follow over the next few weeks, months, or however long you decide..
So, this episode contains 4 steps to a.) prep you for reconnecting with your kiddo and/or b.) move you from feeling like ð© to feeling like ð€©.
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