Letting Go Of "Should" Talk

Do you ever get tired of the pressure that comes with "should" & "shouldn't"?
Should is a word we use when we're arguing with what IS. As an alienated parent, I'm betting that you are all stocked up on let downs.
"Life shouldn't be like this."
"My ex shouldn't be alienating my kid from me."
"People shouldn't be so rude."
"I should be further along than I am"
"I should look forward to my parenting time"
"I should look forward to my scheduled call with my kid"
"I shouldn’t feel nervous about or have mixed feelings about seeing my kids"
"My neighbor should be less annoying."
"I should be sending them more gifts"
"I should be doing more"
"I should be doing less"
Here's the thing: the word "should" is almost always an argument with reality. Using any version of the word is our way of placing a.) conditions on others or b.) pressure on ourselves to do or be different than we currently are.
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